The Well- New Beginnings- November 1, 2021

Scripture- “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19 Insight: As we begin the sprint to the end of 2021, I thought it would be good to consider the optimism of new […]

Written By Doug Hall

On November 1, 2021

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Scripture- “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19

Insight: As we begin the sprint to the end of 2021, I thought it would be good to consider the optimism of new beginnings. We all need to keep our perspective on the hope of a better tomorrow, because the present in filled with uncertainty and very difficult circumstances for many people. We live in a very interesting media age where things sometimes get turned completely upside down. One of the more recent trends is the idea of revisionist historians who want to go back and re-write or change want happened in the world, in some cases hundreds of years ago. Newsflash! You can’t do that. People live in this world in unique times and ages and all face unique challenges of their times. In most cases, people try their best to deal with the circumstances they are faced with to the best of their ability. Take slavery in America’s past as an example, which has certainly become a hot media topic recently. People in certain parts of the media are making arguments that the current generation of humans living in America need to somehow be help responsible and make reparations for something that happened prior to the Civil War, over 150 years ago. There seems to be little mention in their narrative that nearly 500,000 people died in America fighting a war to free the slaves. America paid a heavy cost to make slaves free in this Country. Should slavery have ever existed in America? No, absolutely not, but it was the way of life in the entire world at the time of our founding. In fact, the majority of slaves in America came from African slave owners who sold their own people for profit.

The whole point is we can’t go back and change what’s already happened in the past, we can only begin where we are an create a new beginning that leads to a better ending. CS Lewis famously wrote “We can’t go back and change the beginning; but we can start where we are and change the ending.” God always gives us chances for new beginnings. God is working in our lives individually and in the word collectively to bring about new and better outcomes by having His love pour through us as believers into a world that is marred by sin, hatred and anger. There is always more we can do to spread love and stop hatred. We don’t need to be part of the hysterical media debates that seek to score political points through division, but instead we are called to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9) as Jesus taught. The old saying, we can catch more flies with a jar of honey than a jar of vinegar, still holds true today. God wants to do new things right now in my life and yours to create new beginnings which lead to better endings. We can’t go back and change the past; it has already been written. But we certainly can and must go forward and change the future, so the love of God overwhelms all of the sin that is marring our very existence on this earth as we speak.

Prayer: Father God, help us to start where we are and tune into your love in order to start new beginnings in our lives and those you put us in contact with so we can change the endings of our sphere of influence. You tell us in Isaiah 43:19See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”  Help us to be able to perceive how you are working in us and the world for good and to limit all of the negativity of the insane media who wants to rewrite past history. We pray for discernment through the Holy Spirit and in the power of Jesus Christ. Amen!


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