The Well- Prince Of The Air- August 17, 2022

Today’s weather report from heaven: Sunny and bright with an abundance of light, and lots of singing and rejoicing. Scripture- “Once you were under God’s curse, doomed forever for your sins. You went along with the crowd and were just like all the others, full of sin, obeying Satan, the mighty prince of the power […]

Written By Doug Hall

On August 17, 2022

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Today’s weather report from heaven: Sunny and bright with an abundance of light, and lots of singing and rejoicing.

Scripture- “Once you were under God’s curse, doomed forever for your sins. You went along with the crowd and were just like all the others, full of sin, obeying Satan, the mighty prince of the power of the air, who is at work right now in the hearts of those who are against the Lord.”Ephesians 2:1-2 – TLB

Insight: Satan has many names in the Bible that point to his destructive nature and his goal to destroy all of humanity. He hates people because He knows that people were made in God’s image, and that God loves us so much He was willing to send His Son Jesus to die for us, to rescue us from our sin, and to reverse the sting of death over all of mankind. Satan is called amongst other things a murderer, a hater of all things and the “father of all lies,” in John 8:44. He is an agitator and a deceiver. But for today’s discussion I wanted to focus on his role as the “Prince of the Air,” as we see above in Ephesians 2:1-2, who infiltrates the airwaves, in modern times the media, to sow great deception and destruction. He even infiltrates and uses people for his own destructive devices without them even being privy to it. 2 Timothy 2:25-26 ( NIV ) puts it like this: “Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” Scary to think he literally “takes people captive to do his will,” but that’s the extent he will go to in order to destroy life.

So why do I even think about this? Well, I was thinking about how the last few years it seems like there have been just an endless, almost non-stop supply of huge global stories that have captivated the earth and set the tone for the entire global narrative. We as humans have been led to follow the narratives, just like the fish in the Movie “Nemo” who follow the tide and go wherever it takes them, because of the influence of the media in our world and the non-stop unfettered access we have to it. So, I was asking myself today how much of it in hindsight seems true and what were the consequences of allowing ourselves as humans to be so blindly led by the media, who appears in many instances to be carrying out the evil plans of the enemy of humanity, and may not even be aware of it.

For starters, I think if you go back just 10 years in time, you can say today the world is more polarized, divided, anxious, fearful, confused, zombie-like, reclusive, paranoid, untrustworthy, angry, hostile, unsocial, and cantankerous than almost any time in human history. So how did we get here? Was it just an “evolutionary path” we have been following to drift apart from our collective need to not only co-exist but to love our neighbor as ourselves, or have we been deceived? Pushed into a direction through a grand and wicked plan of deception that has influenced our behaviors, and led to many destructive and divisive outcomes as a result? If you watched the chilling documentary “Social Dilemma,” you got an inside look at how technology is being used to influence almost every aspect of how we are being taught to learn and think, with a special influence on reaching the children and influencing them the most. Wherever children are being used as pawns, you can bet that the evil intent behind the plan is being orchestrated by the Enemy himself. 

We can look at the sensationalized stories about almost any topic, from climate change and global warming ( By the way, and I digress, hasn’t the earth been warming since it was covered in ice 10 Million years ago, and didn’t that allow us to all not freeze to death? And didn’t a meteor crash into the earth about 270 million years ago and extinguish all the Dinosaurs, but the earth seemed to recover quite nicely itself from the huge increase in temperature that occurred as a result. .And hasn’t our recent obsession with every little weather change led the world to cut off most of their trustworthy energy supplies which lead to a vacuum being created for Russia to invade a sovereign Country in Ukraine and threaten all of the Countries of Europe with not enough natural gas to even survive the next winter? It is possible, is it not, that we will come face to face with our own self made extinction and finally realize that the earth will be fine, but that we are going away?)  We can see media obsession with divisive political figures like Donald Trump, and this is no way meant to be a political commentary but rather just pointing out the influence of the Prince of the Air to use the media to deceive, distract and destroy, to the Pandemic, and find days after days of stories that were being crammed down people’s throats that in hindsight were proven to be outright lies, or downright deceptive media tactics designed to influence opinions and actions to gain a desired outcome. It turns out that the media had followed a falsely created narrative about Donald Trump and the great Russian Collusion Theory, that they spewed on and on day after day about for over two years that turned out to be a complete lie, a hoax. But did they ever really apologize for it? Did they ever consider how they ripped an entire country apart or ruined the first two years of a Presidency? No, but man the ratings and money were good and well, who cares of the consequences. Impeachment 1 and Impeachment 2 were like a really bad soap opera sequel that drew many in, but left them all with no sense of any accomplishment when again there was no proof to any of the allegations. And so it never ends. The Pandemic came with an ever -changing set up of rules, from flatten the curve in two weeks and it will all be over, to social-distancing ( where did all those signs and little stepping zone markers come from so fast, and what has that done to general distrust in the citizenry? ) to severe threats towards people who don’t go along hook, line and sinker with unelected bureaucrats trying to force their untested and unproven medical countermeasures upon them that they are worthy of death? What does that due to trust in a supposed free speech society where people were supposed to be allowed to speak their own feelings, only to be “fact checked,” “banned,” or “ostracized” for daring to have the courage to stand up for charting their own medical futures? 

It leads to the mess we find ourselves in today, where we are all apparently being led around like some technology fueled puppets by the great deceiver who has infiltrated people in technology and the media to gain almost full control of the narrative of the world that is leading us right into the abyss. What is the cure? There is only One and His name is Jesus. He alone is the “name above every other name,” and He alone will defeat the great deceiver and the time is drawing nye. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says “or the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” This will be the single event that begins to finally change the deceptive control of the media by the enemy and let the entire earth see for themselves that Jesus is truly the One with all the power. To their own detriment, many will still not believe. They will continue to be spurred along by a flesh pleasing, spirit hating deceiver who wants nothing more than to see them suffer and be destroyed and spend eternity with him alone in separation from the glory of the Kingdom of Light.Prayer: God,  we see the great deception that has and still is taking place on the earth right now, and we ask for You to intervene and “to hear the cries of your people,” as You promise in Psalm 145:18-20. Pull people out of their malaise and let them see the truth of what is really taking place, before it is too late for them. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen


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