The Well- Lessons From King David: God Is Our Protection – January 27, 2022

Weather Report From Heaven: Sunny and bright, with an abundance of light and lots of singing and rejoicing. Scripture: “You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked, who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race.” – Psalm 12:7-8 Insight: We can learn […]

Written By Doug Hall

On January 27, 2022

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Weather Report From Heaven: Sunny and bright, with an abundance of light and lots of singing and rejoicing.

Scripture: “You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked, who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race.” – Psalm 12:7-8

Insight: We can learn so much from the Biblical Heroes like King David, who is the only person in the Bible ever referred to as “a man after God’s own heart,” Acts 13:22. God led David through a myriad of different circumstances that tested his faith, grew him, challenged him and led him to become the greatest King of Israel and the human bloodline out of which Jesus himself was born. Therefore, we just should pay close attention to the life of David recorded in the Bible and try to learn as much as we can from him and apply it to our lives in a practical way. We will study some of the Scriptures over the next 30 days that David wrote and see how his life is a great teaching moment for us today. David wrote half of the Psalms, which serve as a journal for his faith walk with the Lord. 

 In today’s Psalm 12:7-8, we see David acknowledging that God alone could offer protection from the evil that exists on the earth as a result of living in a fallen world. He knew that things were turned around, upside down, topsy turvy and all over the place when it came to evil and good. He knew the world through evil people would often “call evil good and good evil,” as Isaiah 5:20 warned of. Sound familiar for today in our world? It makes you realize that not much has changed since David and then Jesus walked this earth. There is still a level of evil and injustice and ruthlessness that exists, and good is called evil, and evil is called good, and sometimes it is hard to keep your bearing straight in such an upside-down world. But this very fact is what deepens our reliance upon God and leads us into deeper faith because we begin to realize that He is really in control of all of this the battle is His, not ours ( Ephesians 6:12 ), and He has a plan in Jesus Christ to save us from our sins and from our brokenness, and one day to restore and redeem everything that is broken through a reconciliation of all things back to Christ. So like David, the things that make us fret and trouble our souls such as injustice and evil galavanting around as goodness, are the very things that cause us to deepen our reliance on God and make our faith grow. David would often make a profession of faith to claim spiritual victory over his fears and frustrations with the state of the world’s affairs, and we would be wise to do the same. Sin and brokenness will always be our companions on this earth until Jesus returns a second time to claim eternal victory. Therefore, rather than constantly complaining about the darkness, it is much healthier for us to simply acknowledge God’s sovereign victory over all evil , and be a light to those who are still walking in the darkness.

Prayer: Lord God, we acknowledge that all true and lasting protection ultimately can only be found in You. Evil is rampant on the earth now as it was when David lived and when Jesus lived, so we see not much has changed in the human condition. We praise You that You alone have the power and dominion to protect us from all evil, until Jesus returns to reconcile all things back to You and to end all evil once and for all. We pray in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!


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