Scripture- “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop” – Luke 8:15.
Insight: The scripture above speaks to a parable Jesus was using to explain to His Disciples how we can respond to the good news of His word. If our hearts are open and receptive, He promises that we will reap a large reward. It may not necessarily be a financial reward, but it will be a reward of having Him and His wisdom found in the Bible help guide us through the twists and turns of this life. He will give us peace when everyone else is fearful, He will give us patience, when everyone else is anxious and He will give us perspective when everyone else is confused. So the question we must ask ourselves every morning is, are we cultivating good soil in our heart that is receptive to the seed of His word? It means we must eliminate things that distract us from hearing Him, and be diligent and disciplined in seeking after him. His word ( seed ) will then take root in our hearts (fertile soil ) and produce a bumper crop of benefits, more than we can ever imagine. May our hearts be good soil for the seed of your word today.