Scripture- “the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” – Proverbs 3:2
Insight: – I admit that sometimes I allow the relationship I had with my earthly father to influence my view of my Heavenly Father. While I know this is the most unfair comparison possible, I think it is natural to take something that we have experienced and use it as a tool for comparison. Because of the longing for my earthly father’s affirmation, which never came, I sometimes think that God doesn’t see me or understand what I am feeling. But how foolish that is! Psalm 139 lets me know that the exact opposite is true. My Father in heaven not only sees me, but He knows everything about me. Still, I think that often times we assign our human relationship experiences to our ones with God. It can make us doubt, it can make us afraid, it can make us intimidated, it can make us hesitate, it can cause us to avoid. While these things are all to our detriment, it is easy to understand why and how that could happen.
So, what’s the antidote for this? To read scripture with such vigor and thoroughness as to understand that there really is no comparison between the love of our Heavenly Father and whatever our experiences were with our earthly fathers. Are you holding back in your relationship with God due to the pain of your relationship with your earthly father? I understand, and I have been there. But over time I realized this was a big mistake and I asked God to reveal His true nature to me and He repeatedly has in such a way that made all of the pain of my relationship with my earthly father disappear. He will do the same for you if you seek Him and share your deepest emotions with Him. He knows them anyway. As Chris Tomlin sings in the song “Good, Good Father” you can be sure that in our lives “we’re all searching for answers that only He can provide.” Don’t let the pain of your relationship with your earthly father keep you from experiencing the love and joy of the relationship with your Heavenly Father. He is waiting to fill the void that may exist as a result of that earthly relationship not turning out the way you had planned or dreamed about. He alone can take away all the pain and offer a fresh start. Will you trust Him? He is a good, good Father indeed!