The Well- October 6, 2020

Scripture- “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5;17 Insight: – There is a Christian Song by a group named Gungor called “Beautiful Things.”  In it there is a lyric that goes like this: You make beautiful things, you make […]

Written By Doug Hall

On October 6, 2020

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Scripture- “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5;17

Insight: – There is a Christian Song by a group named Gungor called “Beautiful Things.”  In it there is a lyric that goes like this: You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of the dust. You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of us.” I love that thought  so much because that is exactly what God did in my life and what He wants to do in yours. He takes all of our brokenness and the chaos of our life and He creates new life. I will never forget the day I surrendered my life to Jesus. It was as if a 1,000 lb. weight had been lifted off my back and all the heavy burdens I was carrying had been lifted. It was Matthew 11:28-30 come to life although at that time I had no idea even what that scripture was or said. All I knew is I felt different, and I liked it. I couldn’t even really describe it to people who suddenly were living in a parallel Universe to me, as the old Doug had been replaced by a new Doug that they didn’t recognize. I didn’t stop loving all of my friends, but many of them stopped loving me when they found I was a Christian. How sad is that! The World’s perception of the amazing, transformational power of Christ is so messed up.

Instead of needing drugs and alcohol or sex or prestige to cover over the gaping hole deep in my soul, I now only needed Jesus and it felt so good. No more despair! No more empty relationships. In fact, all the emptiness I had felt was immediately replaced with a contentment that wasn’t describable. People thought I was nuts! They didn’t understand the power Jesus has to change your life, and to raise you up out of the inner ashes of your life. On the surface I looked fine, and that was what was so confusing to people. You know, having a good job, lots of $ in the bank, living in Corona Del Mar California didn’t exactly suck. But they couldn’t see or feel the emptiness and brokenness on the inside. But I could, and I was dying, Christ is in the business of taking our brokenness and emptiness and turning it into a beautiful new relationship overwhelmed by His love and grace. That changes everything and for me, it was just in time. How about you? Do you need to admit to Jesus how much you need Him no matter how perfect your life appears on the outside? You can’t trick your own soul and Jesus is waiting to give you a new beginning, so much better than anything in your past. Put Jesus first in your life and see what He will do. Out of the ashes of your pain and brokenness He can create new beginnings and new life!


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