Weather report from heaven: Sunny and bright with an abundance of light, and lots of singing and rejoicing.
Scripture: “for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.”- 1 John 5:4-5
“Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:“ To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”- Revelation 5:13
Insight: As we continue on with our series on Practical Christianity, today we consider the fact that we are not waiting for a victory through our faith in Jesus, but rather we already have been given the victory through our faith in Christ Jesus because of the finished work He did on the Cross of Calvary. These last few years have been very tough on so many people and in so many ways. Covid left many reeling. The political divide in the United States and the world has been exhausting. The enemy has infiltrated the media ( Ephesians 2:1-2 refers to him as the “prince of the air ) to deceive, distract and destroy many friendships and even families over things such as political differences. The entire world of social media can seem like one big Jerry Springer Show with a race to see who can belittle and degrade anyone who disagrees with them the fastest. If I had to sum up the prevailing feeling amongst many who I speak to and pray for at our church, the word I would use is despair.
But the Bible is filled with great promises of hope, and our eternal victory is not diminished at all by temporary circumstances. Our joy does not have to be circumstantial. We can overcome despair by simply changing our focus off of our problems and onto the great promises of hope, love and grace found in the Bible. In fact, I believe God is hearing the cries of His people, and is beginning to turn the tide around by unleashing His angel armies and Kingdom Networks to bring joy back to His people and remind them that He is still in control and Jesus is still on His throne. This Bible verse below infused me today with hope in a profound way. Sometimes a simple scripture like this can refocus us on the power and majesty of God and it puts things in proper perspective: “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations.”- Psalm 22:27-28
It is always helpful to remind ourselves when we are feeling despair that we are not fighting for victory, Christ has already won the victory for us who have believed. We don’t need to feel the burden of trying to fix a broken world, that is God’s job and His plan is to bring good out of evil for the saving of many souls before the end comes. If you’ve already been saved, then rejoice! Your eternal home in heaven is secure, as John 14:2 alludes to. We can see that things are accelerating towards what has been written in the Bible for thousands of years, around a one world government and a digital currency for restricting and tracking trade, but we can rest easily in knowing how the story ends. In Christ we are victorious. Heaven is meeting earth right now and God is activating His Holy Networks to begin what I believe will be the greatest harvest of souls in history. The atmosphere is changing and you can feel it if you really spend some alone time in prayer with God. Focus on Him now more than ever, and let the Holy Spirit pull you out of despair and into the loving and victorious arms of Jesus.
Prayer: Holy Spirit You are welcome here. Pull us out of our deep despair by reminding us of how great our victory is in Jesus Christ and how nothing can keep us out of His Eternal Kingdom until He comes again to make all things new and restores the righteousness on the earth that we all clamor for. Amen!
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