The Well- Lessons of King David- May 6, 2021

Weather Report From Heaven: Sunny and bright, with an abundance of light and lots of singing and rejoicing. Scripture-  “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.”- Psalm 17:6 Insight: As we continue our look into the lessons of King David, and why […]

Written By Doug Hall

On May 6, 2021

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Weather Report From Heaven: Sunny and bright, with an abundance of light and lots of singing and rejoicing.

Scripture-  “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.”- Psalm 17:6

Insight: As we continue our look into the lessons of King David, and why he was the only person ever called “a man after God’s own heart,” in Acts 13:22, we need to consider why God said that about him. We have considered many aspects of David’s life to see what made him so fervent in his relationship with God. One area we can consider today is how David had confidence in the fact that God would hear his prayers and respond, therefore David brought forth his prayers with an expectancy that God would not only hear them, but act upon them. I love this simple verse in Psalm 17:6 above because it speaks to David’s confidence that God will answer his prayers and his pleas. It is expectant in nature, and that is a posture we should all have when we come before God. If we really don’t believe He can and will answer our prayers, as long as we have repented from any sin that may be blocking Him from hearing, and our prayers align with His will, then why would we even bother? But God’s word in the Bible is filled with promises that He hears our prayers and He will respond. Psalm 145:19, Proverbs 15:29 and James 1:6 are just a few examples of promises God makes around our prayers. 

But the one thing we must always remember is God’s answer to our prayers may not come as quick as we would want, and may not be the exact answer we desire. This is because God knows what is ultimately best for us. He knows firsthand what we need, not just what we want. He is not bound by our definition of time and space ( 2 Peter 3:8 ) and therefore he has a whole different perspective than we do. I have had to learn and relearn these lessons over and over again in my life and so did David. But this never kept David from bringing his prayers constantly before the Lord, and doing so in an expectant manner. David had so much confidence in God because of how many times He had answered David’s prayers in the past, and protected him from trouble and harm. He had also seen God grant him great favor upon his life for his diligence in seeking God. It doesn’t mean that David didn’t have areas of doubt or shame in his life, far from it, but he constantly was drawing nearer to God through both his mountain top and valley experiences. The same should be true for us. We should be always increasing in our fervor to be close to the Lord and to have the utmost confidence in Him over everything else in our lives. He is a sweet, sweet aroma blowing through every detail of our life and our level of freedom on this side of eternity will be directly proportional to our level of surrender to Him. David understood this and he wanted to let God know that without His protection and blessing, he had no chance in this life. He ran to the throne room of God and confidently laid all of his praise, thanksgiving, worries, doubts and fears at His feet, and we would be wise to do the same. God loves when we approach Him in prayer with our heartfelt pleas and praises. Let’s never be shy about confidently taking our life issues directly to God’s Throne Room.

Prayer: Father God, we cling to the promises found in scripture that you hear our prayers and so we go with confidence to your Throne Room and lay our heartfelt prayers before you. We admit many times we are full of doubt, fear and worry as in our humanness, we desire to know the outcomes sometimes sooner than they are able to be worked out. So we must learn to release all things into your hands and trust you alone Father. We pray in Jesus’s name. Amen!


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